Unnannounced/Cancelled Video Game Project - for THQ Nordic
Concept Art and Look Development
Explorational works mostly focussing on character design, made during the preproduction phase for for a video game project, which was supposed to expand an existing IP.
"Knights": Technologically advanced and heavily armored.

basic suit design: exploring options for modular elements and variations

basic suit design: exploring options for modular elements and variations

basic helmet design: exploring options for modular elements and variations

material definition

basesuit and armor layering

exploring female armor and character design

guard + equipment

Basesuit Development and Bodymodification:

basesuit overview

basic structure options for basesuit and variants

basic structure options for basesuit and variants

attachment point options for cloth

drug enhancement

combining body modification and armor / gear

prosthetic options
"Trappers": Low-Tech, using natural resources,
alchemy and hunting in the wilderness to survive.
alchemy and hunting in the wilderness to survive.

design A - layering of elements + variants

design B - layering of elements + variants

material definition

V1 - Layering

V2 - Layering

bone decor

examples: armor and attachment options

armor and attachment options

armor and attachment options

armor and attachment options

general population

job options

design exploration

design exploration + layering

design exploration + layering

design exploration

design exploration

design exploration
Additional sketches and concepts
for environment and gameplay elements:
for environment and gameplay elements:

GOO - Environment

GOO - Affected Nature

GOO - Victims

Protection Spells

Protection Spells

Protection Spells

Protection Spells - Poles

Protection Spells - Shrines
"Techmages": Giving up their humanity in trade of power.

corruption progression

corruption progression

corruption vfx

basesuit design

full design

full design - layering

armor shape options

armor designs + variants

armor designs + variants, cloth and masks

masks and headgear options and combinations

exploring details

exploring material options

exploring shape options

early explorations, general population

early hairstyle exploration

gameplay options

gameplay options

gameplay options - enemies
"Survivors": people caught in the in-between,
scavenging and managing the hardships.
scavenging and managing the hardships.


Sketches - Layering

Material Overview - V1

Layering V1

Material Overview - V2

Layering V2


Sketches - Layering

Material Overview - V1

Layering V1

Material Overview - V2

Layering V2


Children - Accessoires and Items

Material Overview - Child V1

Layering - Child V1

Material Overview - Child V1

Layering - Child V2

Additional Hairstyles

Skin Detail Options